Everything is getting more expensive, LORENZ prices remain favorable!
By publishing the new price list, LORENZ is taking market developments into account. However, there is no market price increase.
The new price list for customers and business partners of Lorenz GmbH is valid from March 1st. Due to new side wall thicknesses for the DD34, DD18 and DD24 modules, the product specifications have changed and as a result LORENZ has adjusted the prices. The increase in the price of wood is priced in at a moderate rate.
Wood, steel and concrete are currently the strongest price drivers in construction. “If we had adjusted the raw material prices as the market situation currently dictates, we would not be able to remain true to our focus of offering a real alternative in construction,” said Rainer Schmidt, Managing Director of Lorenz GmbH. “Consistently building ecologically should not be a luxury because we have to achieve the climate goals as a society as a whole. That’s why we’re happy that building with LORENZ remains comparatively affordable!”
According to Schmidt, economies of scale from the previous financial year and the associated expansion of production have an impact. A forward-looking purchasing policy also leads to early securing of the appropriate quantities and therefore sufficient availability at the location.
“We are starting 2022 with the new price list and hope for positive impulses in the market,” says Schmidt about business planning. Currently, 40% of the planned production figures for 2022 have already been achieved.