The Bavarian Wood Construction Funding Program – Booster for Building with Straw?

On July 21, 2021, the Bavarian state government decided with the government declaration “Climate State of Bavaria” that Bavaria should be climate neutral by 2040. Timber construction should become part of the country’s climate strategy.
In the funding guideline “BayFHolz – Bavarian Funding Guideline for Wood”, which was launched in June 2022, the amount of carbon stored in municipal buildings in the Free State is supported. This applies in particular to buildings for public purposes such as administration as well as for social infrastructure such as schools. The addition or construction of new residential buildings is also supported. The minimum area is 300m2.
According to the Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport, the grant is granted as a subsidy to local authorities. The grant amount is 500 euros per ton of carbon bound in the wooden building elements and insulation materials. Wooden frame structures filled with straw, such as those manufactured in series at LORENZ, could be worthwhile for municipal developers if the conditions are right: not only do Bavarian municipalities benefit from low raw material, operating or disposal costs throughout the entire life cycle, subsidies of up to a maximum of 200,000 euros are a great incentive for climate-neutral construction.
The application deadline for the timber construction subsidy ends on December 31, 2022. When LORENZ asked about expanding or extending the funding program, it was said that it was not yet known whether additional budget funds would be approved for this in 2023, but the application had been submitted.
Link to the report: bauthemen/gebaeudeundenergie/foerderprogramme/bayfholz/index.php