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Category: Responsibility
27. September 2022 LORENZ is nominated for the German Sustainability Award

LORENZ is nominated for the German Sustainability Award

LORENZ was nominated for the German Sustainability Prize from more than 1,000 applicants. LORENZ applied for a particularly ecological commitment in its region in the “Local Heroes” competition and made it into the TOP 30! The German Sustainability Prize is one of the most prestigious and well-known prizes of its…
01. October 2021 Straw – golden like autumn – from our own production

Straw – golden like autumn – from our own production

Near the LORENZ production facilities there are fields where straw grows for our DD series. This fact is significant in two ways: on the one hand, short delivery routes improve the ecological balance of the product line, and on the other hand, LORENZ‘s expertise in raw materials does not just…
14. July 2021 LORENZ for more climate protection

LORENZ for more climate protection

The climate goals for environmentally friendly construction are clear: from 2050, construction will be CO2-neutral across the EU. This poses huge challenges for many manufacturers and providers. LORENZ pursues a consistently ecological approach with its portfolio, which takes a long way to find broad acceptance on the market. How this…
05. July 2021 Nostalgic: Upcycling instead of scrapping

Nostalgic: Upcycling instead of scrapping

Sustainable living also means checking what has been consumed to ensure that no other use is possible. This is what happened with a decommissioned straw press (built in 1969, VEB Landmaschinenbau), which we discovered overgrown under a blackberry hedge. Mechanically pressed straw is the core of the production method for…
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